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4 Highly Believed Beauty Myths in India | Salonline Blog

19 May 2023 0


A common narrative in India of a good and happy upbringing. A 21-inch waist and hair that was knee length. Yes, media literacy helped us combat these absurd beauty standards, but have you ever stopped to consider what social media has done to us? It's reasonable to say that the moment has come for some self-acceptance and love from your inner self. 

The expectations from brides and grooms on matrimony websites and in television adverts demonstrate the pervasiveness of these dominating mindsets.We undermine our loved ones' disparaging or oppressive statements, which is why it seems to never end. Without considering the repercussions, we let the other person control us and subjugate us to their ideals. We have no concept of how tough it is for someone to choose to break from this predetermined norm, or how deadly it may be to live up to a standard or ideal.

Put it this way, shall we? If your physical appearance is front of mind for you, welcome awareness to the sexism veil; you too have been a victim of male gaze and a million unachievable beauty standards. But you should be aware that beauty's personification has gradually evolved.

Many people's lives have been damaged by the beauty myth, yet that aspect is not depicted in the media. One recent instance is the unexpected death of Sri Devi, a well-known actress. Numerous specialists have attributed her "sudden" death to cosmetic procedures, stringent dietary regimens, and the pressure to seem young, attractive, and healthy in front of the public. She died of a heart collapse. She gave in to her need to be attractive in accordance with societal standards.

People frequently search for beauty tips because they want a bright, radiant skin without having to put too much effort into it. 

Let's dispel some of the prevalent beauty misconceptions:

 Myth 1: Natural ingredients are better for skin

Always keep it natural!

The majority of people believe that natural substances are always the best. That might not always be the case, therefore a dermatologist should be consulted for the best guidance. You must choose which substances are best for your skin type because not all natural ingredients are effective on all skin types. 

As a self-professed cosmetics enthusiast, I can confirm and declare that this is untrue. Yes, applying makeup has direct effects on your skin, such as blocked pores, dry or oily skin, or even some type of irritation, regardless of how "clean" or "natural" your appearance appears to be. However, it does not always follow that makeup is bad.

Your skin will appreciate it if you maintain good makeup practices after a night out.

No matter how worn out you are, make sure to take off your makeup at the end of the day. Be warned: sleeping with your face covered in makeup will damage your skin. Maybe not right now, but as you get older, unhealthy skin habits will severely harm your skin.

 Myth 2: Increase in SPF Will Give Your Skin A Better Protection

There's no such logic that SPF 50 is way better than SPF 30


It's wise to use sunscreen with a high SPF, but most people overlook the need to reapply sunscreen every two to three hours, even if you're indoors or the sun isn't out. Purchase a UVA-protective sunscreen in addition to UAB. There are two kinds of UV radiation that can harm skin and raise the chance of developing skin cancer. UVA and UVB stand for ultraviolet rays (UVB). UV radiation exposure has been shown to accelerate skin ageing by seven years. You may shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays by applying sunscreen 20 minutes beforehand. However, you must reapply it every two to three hours. The SPF's benefits lessen when you are in direct sunlight. Reapplication is thus required. Using too little or no sunscreen is not acceptable. Sunscreen is necessary all year round. The reason is because sunscreen shields you from UV rays as well as the sun's rays, and regardless of the time of year or season, UV rays are always there.

 Myth 3: It is okay to pop pimples out for clear skin 

You can pop that zit.

The urge to pop that bothersome pimple on the face is strong for the majority of us. But by doing so, you run the danger of scarring, increased inflammation, and protracted recovery. Only the dry skin will be removed by scrubbing and exfoliating; the filth embedded in your pores won't be removed. The rumour mills are in a frenzy due to the outrage that toothpaste on pimples may rapidly eradicate them.

Many people think that a pimple may be squeezed once it looks "ready," which denotes that it is fully loaded with pus. Actually, doing this is quite harmful.

Even if a pimple could be on the verge of dying, many experts think that popping it can leave scars and even encourage the growth of more pimples.

Applying toothpaste to pimples might do more damage than good to your skin. Keep in mind that toothpaste should not be used on delicate body parts like the skin. Particularly not on your face, which might experience skin burns and rashes when toothpaste is administered due to its unstable pH level. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, in some form, can dry a zit, but over-drying the skin can have negative effects, including severe acne. To treat your acne, use creams, moisturisers, and masks designed specifically for acne. Instead, tea tree oil or skincare products containing green tea can work wonders on your skin.

 Acne-prone girls are not attractive. Most of us choose to relieve ourselves of the strain of hiding our acne-related "problems" rather than covering them up. Now, we're not suggesting that we detest makeup—you only have to witness our enthusiasm for new lip colours. Here's to using cosmetics to enhance, not conceal! Given how simple and readily available filters, Photoshop tools, and other cosmetic enhancements are, it can be challenging for some of us to leave the house without covering up scars. Accept them as your skin. 

Myth 4: At Home Salons are not safe

Why bring the Salon to your doorstep?

Are you also tired of going to beauty parlour and want a relaxing session but can't decide whether to step-out or not. Well, don’t you worry, everything is now home-delivered by Salonline, even the most essential beauty services that are available at your doorstep. Whether you need a haircut or a little self pampering session, salon at home services got it all. So skip the traffic and let the pampering sessions begin.

There’s no surprise that home beauty services at home are becoming the ‘new normal.’ In various metros around the world, at-home salon services have become one of the most popular grooming services.

With at-home salon services, there is no need to expose yourself to dozens of people on your way and put yourself at risk. You can easily enjoy excellent beauty services within the safety of your home. It becomes much safer to get the treatments done by vaccinated beauticians. In fact, in at-home salon services, beauty professionals wear PPE kits and take care of everything.

If you still feel like taking precautions, the below-mentioned tips will not only help us rediscover the joy of salon services at the comfort of our homes, but also keep us safe from contracting any kind of infection.

  • Before booking an appointment with a beautician, you should be aware of the information related to the person's body temperature and health. Even when the person visits your home to deliver the services, his/her body temperature should be normal and shouldn't be displaying any signs of illness.

  • Beauticians delivering the services should wear a PPE kit that includes a mask, gloves, bodysuit, and a face shield.

  • You should ensure that only single-use products are used. blades, towels, tissues must be sealed, and shouldn't be reusable.

  • Beauticians should bring all the required items plus the salon kit with them and you needn't provide them with any wearables or tools.

  • You should carefully match the beautician's details with those provided in the service provider's app. Ensure it is the same person before letting him/her enter your home.

  • The area where the beautician sets up to deliver the services must be thoroughly sanitised.

  • Make sure that the beautician collects all the items brought in and properly dispose off used products. Further, the person should also sanitise all the touchpoints surrounding the setup before leaving.

By observing these practices, you can confidently enjoy grooming services without compromising your safety.